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Category: Marine Construction Project: Lough Fea Client: Cookstown District Council Value Range: £0 - 500k

Lough Fea

Category: Marine Construction Location: Lough Fea Client: Cookstown District Council Value Range: £0 - 500k

Project Details:

Site:- Lough Fea

3 No. fishing stands and associated civil works (including construction of concrete path to allow disabled/wheelchair user access to one of the stands).
Floating  jetty.
Precast concrete slipway.
Steel store planted with a growing 'green' roof.
Alterations  to existing path and associated civil works to form access and hardstand to new steel store. Electrical drop down bollard controlled access system. Provision of mini pillar and associated switchgear to facilitate the future installation of mains electric by NIE.

Call us now on: Tel:028 3834 1255
