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Category: Civil Engineering Project: Cumbernauld Scotland Client: CWA / Scottish water Value Range: <£5M

Garbethill Trunk Main

Category: Civil Engineering Location: Cumbernauld Scotland Client: CWA / Scottish water Value Range: <£5M

Project Details:

A G Wilson (AGW) recently completed major upgrade project to a 30” spun iron water main in Cumbernauld ahead of schedule for Scottish Water. Project was originally scheduled for completion Spring 2018 however AGW were able to expedite the programme & deliver it three months ahead of schedule.

Scottish Water invested around £2.8M in this major improvement to the water network; a much-needed investment in the area to tackle long standing issues following previous water main bursts. One unplanned interruption occurred in May 2017 causing disruption to normal water supplies for approx. 6,000 Scottish Water customers & also affected the local rail network, where a railway embankment suffered extensive damage. The issues related with previous bursts in the area had come under close scrutiny from the Scottish Government, & Scottish Water made a commitment to resolve the issue & reduce the risk of future network issues by the end of 2017. 

As part of the planned upgrade works, AGW worked in partnership with CWA to swiftly develop the project from initial design through to construction stage in close consultation with various Scottish Water teams. The milestone target set for having water into supply before Christmas 2017. To achieve this key milestone, our project team worked in a collaborative manner with CWA to ensure that all noticing was in place, land access agreed, environmental constraints understood & all DOMs completed to allow work to commence on site in October 2017. Once on site, works progressed rapidly to install 2km of new 560mm diameter SDR17 High Performance Polyethylene distribution main (HPPE) water main incorporating two major tie-in connections. This new main would operate in tandem with the existing 30” spun iron main, thus building in resilience & also reducing risk to the local network. This element of the upgrade works aims to alleviate future unplanned interruptions & improve services for Scottish Water’s customers in the Cumbernauld area.

The Garbethill team were recognised for going the extra mile and demonstrating exceptional commitment over and above their normal day job to become proud recipients of the coveted Scottish Water igem award 

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