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Category: Civil Engineering Project: Bessbrook Client: Newry Mourne and Down District Council Value Range: <1M

Derrymore Demesne

Category: Civil Engineering Location: Bessbrook Client: Newry Mourne and Down District Council Value Range: <1M

Project Details:

The Derrymore Demesne project was designed essentially to improve visitor access and amenities on site at the National Trust site located in Bessbrook, County Armagh  

Works were split into two areas of the parklands which consisted of the following:

Area 1

Improvement works included New Toilet block, access road with parking either side, new exit road with new gates, resurfacing of roads, installation of bollards, estate railing, relocation of stock proof fence, installation of new fencing, 2no field gates, 3no kissing gates, new drainage and path reinforcements, small bridge across the water course, water bound path to connect into existing compacted soil path and all associated site work

Area 2

Improvement works included new steel access control gate, resetting of existing steps and handrail either side. Forest play area, preservation works to path archway, installation of stock proof fencing and 2no kissing gates, resurfacing of existing water bound paths and associated site works.

Throughout the project, works were carried out in a live environment with close proximity to the public.  Further to this, site access was limited to various areas of the site, requiring the use of small plant for the construction of pathways and other amenities such as the play park.

With a lot of history surrounding the Derrymore Demesne site, great care had to be taken close to existing structures such as the wall garden and rath, requiring partial reconstruction.  Excavation works along the drainage path were carried out under an archaeological watching brief.

Check out footage (below video) of completed works


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